
Corporate Social Responsibility

At Macnabs, our corporate social responsibility programme is an important part of who we are.

We have a strong track record of supporting our local communities and helping causes that are close to people’s hearts.

Will Aid

Macnabs has taken part in Will Aid, a will-writing campaign where lawyers generously give up their time for free to write Wills for local people in exchange for a donation, for 9 years now, raising a fantastic £54,361 to date.

Will Aid is a charity scheme that takes place every November and raises money for nine charities: ActionAid, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save The Children, Sightsavers, Age UK, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).

The Betty Ross Trust

The Betty Ross Trust is a registered charity and provides assistance to the elderly, the disabled and those in need, in the Perthshire area. This can be through the provision of funding or other assistance, such as equipment and help so that people remain in their own home for as long as possible. Funding and help is available both to organisations and individuals and the Trust hopes to be able to distribute £35,000 - £40,000 annually. Partner Alan Roughead administers the Trust for the Trustees of the Betty Ross Foundation. Partner Sarah Mitchell also administers the Trust for the Trustees of the Sinclair Trust.

Perthshire Women’s Aid

Perthshire Women’s Aid is a charity supporting women, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. It provides confidential support, information and access to temporary accommodation. Jane McNicol, an Associate in our Court team, is a Director and Trustee of the charity.

The Scottish Child Law Centre

The Scottish Child Law Centre is an independent charitable organisation, based in Edinburgh, which provides a free legal advice service on all aspects of Scots law relating to children and young people throughout the whole of Scotland. It is the only Law Centre in Scotland that works exclusively for children and young people. Clair Cranston, a Senior Solicitor in the Macnabs family law team volunteers with the charity, providing free legal advice on child related matters.

The Scottish Women's Rights Centre (SWRC)

Family Solicitor Rebecca Coltart is a volunteer with the SWRC's Pro-Bono Solicitor Network, offering advice and guidance to survivors of violence and abuse through the SWRC helpline. The SWRC is a collaboration between Rape Crisis Scotland, the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic and JustRight Scotland.

Aberuthven & District Community Trust

The Aberuthven & District Community Trust was established in 2008 to distribute monies to charitable groups and organisations which provide a benefit to people living in Aberuthven, Aberuthven, and Glendevon. Partner Stuart Hunter is a Trustee of the Aberuthven & District Community Trust.

Pro bono and Fundraising

Getting involved in pro bono and community work is an important part of what we do and gives our people the chance to share their knowledge and experience on local programmes and community causes. Macnabs provides legal services for free to numerous local initiatives, such as carrying out the legal work for Aberuthven Gymnastics Club advising on various issues such as premises, constitution and structure.

Our staff volunteer for numerous organisations including the Children's Panel, Alloa Round Table, Central Baptist Church and Scripture Union.

As a firm, we also support various charities and fundraising efforts carried out by our staff and clients throughout the year and are currently supporting both Tayside Mountain Rescue and PKC Foodbank

Scottish Living Wage

The real Living Wage is currently £8.75 per hour, and is based on cost of living. As a responsible business practice Macnabs wants to go further than the government minimum. 467,000 people in Scotland don't earn the real Living Wage, and 182,000 children in Scotland live in poverty despite having one person in their household in work. It is important for us as a firm to help reduce poverty in our country and we are currently working towards our Scottish Living Wage accreditation.


We are committed to doing business responsibly and are determined to reduce our carbon footprint. From telephone and video conferencing, to working towards a paperless environment, to recycling our waste, Macnabs aims to reduce any damaging effects on the environment from our business' processes.



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