

08 July 2018 Family Law Ruth Croman
When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin split a few years, their press announcement that they were going to “consciously uncouple” was mocked in the media, but the idea of divorcing happily is not just for the rich and famous among us.   Using alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve the issues arising from a separation is something that Macnabs encourage many of their clients to try. Around 42% of first marriages across the UK now end in divorce. The end of a marriage or relationship can be difficult enough, and the traditional (and confrontational) divorce action often adds to the pain. 
26 June 2018 Employment Law Garry Sutherland
Scotland is not renowned for it’s hot (or even dry!) summer, therefore with the recent mini heatwave we have been experiencing, employers are warned that workers may be planning to pull a sickie, according to new research. Whether employees are booking a last minute holiday or not turning up to work on a Monday morning in order to enjoy an extended sun baked weekend, employers need to consider their strategy for keeping control of employee absences during the hot weather.
05 June 2018 Wills, Trusts & Estates Julie Hecht
Macnabs, a leading law firm in Perthshire, has raised almost £5000 for charity this year after taking part in a will-writing campaign where lawyers generously give up their time for free to write Wills for local people in exchange for a donation. Macnabs has taken part in the annual Will Aid scheme for 7 years now and raised an impressive total of £37,561 to date.
15 May 2018 News & Announcements Macnabs Law
Macnabs, a leading law firm in Perthshire established over 130 years ago, has recently opened an office in Aberuthven, bringing the firm’s total number of offices to four.

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